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Interworld FAQ's

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Calcomp Digitizers  GTCO Digitizers   SummaGraphics Digitizers  

To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com


GTCO Digitizers

Can I use the QuikRuler 1 with my Ridgid Super LII Plus digitizer?

How can I test my GTCO Digitizer?

I have an old Black Type 5 controller with a Super LII tablet, can I still obtain a power supply for this?

My GTCO System uses a controller inside my computer, think it is called a DigiPad PC, can I use this with my new PIII-600 system?

Will the Super L II tablet with Type 5A controller work with Windows 98 or NT?

What do the different tones on power up mean?

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Calcomp Digitizers

I have a Calcomp 9600, can I still get parts for this model?

How do I interface the 9500 with a WinTab Driver

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SummaGraphics Digitizers

Where can I buy parts for my Summasketch III?

Are Summasketch III parts compatible with the Summasketch II?

Are parts still available for the Summasketch II

Can I use the New USB to Serial Adaptor with the SummaSketch II

Are parts still available for the Summagrid IV?

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Can I use the QuikRuler with my Ridgid Super LII Plus digitizer?

The QuikRuler works without any additional cables with the Roll-Up Digitizer however to use it with the SLII you must purchase the optional cable kit which includes a separate power supply for the QR. The QuikRuler will only work with Super L series tablets which have the grey colored Super LII controller. Will not work with Type 5 or 5A (Black Box) controllers


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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com

How can I test my GTCO Digitizer?

When a digitizer does not work it is normally because of 3 possible reasons.
(This procedure is only for RS-232 digitizer on XP or Older - Vista, Win 7 and USB would use a different procedure - email us until we get to post this here)

1. The digitizer is defective!
2. The Serial Interface (Com Port) on your computer is defective!
3. Your application or Windows WinTab driver is not setup correctly. The following procedure covers testing the digitizer, once you eliminate this possibility you can get your IT support person or a technician to check out your serial port. This procedure requires you to first download the GTCOTEST Program from our Web site or to locate this program on disk 1 of your driver set that was provided with your digitizer. (This procedure does not work in Vista or Win 7, only applies to XP or Older)
1. To download the GTCOTEST.EXE program go to  https://www.interworldna.com/GTCO/gtco-drivers.php Then navigate to the right hand frame and find the program called GTEST.EXE and download this to your computer.
2. Restart Windows by selecting [START]-> [SHUTDOWN]->[RESTART IN MSDOS MODE] , this will start your machine into DOS, we want to eliminate Windows from this procedure in order to test just the Digitizer. (when using XP you need to uninstall tablet work, restart computer the open a cmd (Command Prompt) window to perform the test.
3. Once in DOS find the GTCOTEST program by going to the MSDOS Folder/Directory where you downloaded it. Use the DOS "Dir " command. Say the file was placed in the GTCO Folder on your C: Drive then type ' CD GTCO ' to verify you are in the correct folder type " dir [ENTER] and you should see the GTCOTEST.EXE program listed.
4. Now type GTCOTEST [ENTER] -> this will start the test program.
5. Select communication and make sure you select the correct com port.
6. Select super set code "01" on your digitizers superset menu. If your digitizer does not have a super set menu then using the dip switches set the tablet to the following: high resolution binary, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, continuous mode. The rest of the settings are not critical for this test.
7. Now select Output from the menu option on the right hand side, select high resolution binary and voila you should see the co-ordinates coming from the table. Move the cursor or pen on the tablet to the bottom left corner and the co-ordinates should read close to 0.0000,0.0000 move to the top right and the number should be much larger.
8. There are other test under the diagnostic menu, to interpret them you may need to call our technical support department. Calls for digitizer support while under warranty are free, after the 2 year warranty period the support department will charge you $95.00 per incidence. Call 1-877-902-2979 in North America or 1-425-223-4311 for International customers.



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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com I have an old Black Type 5 controller with a Super LII tablet, can I still obtain a power supply for this?

Can I get a power supply for my old type 5 or  5a DigiPad Digitizer?

No, the model power supply is a DP-UPS and no longer available. This power supply had a 9 pin D type connector with 12V,  -12 and 5v outputs. Your only option is to have your existing supply repaired (Capacitors were the main component that failed in this power supply) or to source one on eBay or equivalent. Pin outs for this supply were printed on the body of the supply.


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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com


My GTCO System uses a controller inside my computer, think it is called a DigiPad PC, can I use this with my new PIII-600 system?

The DigiPad PC was obsoleted about 8 or 9 years ago. This controller was designed to work with 286 and 386 computers and will not work with the new high speed systems available today. This board was also an ISA configuration which is no longer supported by most new systems.

As of June 2002 the replacement controllers that were available to replace these old DPC controllers are no longer available. Your only option at this time is to try and source a used DP5, DP5A or SLII Plus controller or buy a new digitizer.

 Call 1-800-663-6001 for a quote or email: sales@interworldna.com


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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com

Will the Super L II tablet with Type 5A controller work with Windows 98, NT, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10?

Yes, all GTCO controllers that have been sold in the last 30 years will work with Win 3.1, 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP Vista, Win7,8 & 10. You will require the latest Wintab driver which can be downloaded from our web site at https://www.interworldna.com/GTCO/gtco-drivers.php Select the correct one for your Operating System. If your computer has no RS-232 port then you will need the GTCO approved USB to Serial interface (Wintab will not work with any generic adaptor) you can order the GTCO approved adaptor here - https://www.interworldna.com/GTCO/usbadpt-ks-ps.php
(model USBADPT-KS):

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What do the different tones on power up mean?

Super L II Plus tones and what they mean!

Length Number of Repetitions Meaning
Short Four at power up Diagnostics Passed
Short Four Successful end of menu mode
Short Once Transducer switch pressed
Medium Three Menu mode aborted
Medium Fifteen Grid disconnected or malfunctioning
Continuously On At power up Diagnostics failed


Short = 1/16 second Medium = 1/4 second Long = 1/2 second

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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com


I have a Calcomp 9600, can I still get parts for this model?

No, This model was obsoleted about 10 years ago. Suggest you try source parts on ebay or upgrade to the new DrawingBoard VI series. Call 1-800-663-6001 for a quotation or email sales@interworldna.com


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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com

Are Summasketch III parts compatible with the Summasketch II?

Yes and No. You can use the SSIII power supply with the SSII provided you replace the I/O cable as well. i.e. the SSIII power supply will not work with the SSII I/O cable. Update 2011 - There are no more power supplies available for the Summasketch III.


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To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com

Are parts still available for the Summasketch II

I/O Cables and a few power supplies still available. No more Cursors or Stylii available. eBay is your only option Call 1-800-663-6001 or email: sales@interworldna.com. 


To submit your question, please email: support@interworldna.com

Can I use the New USB to Serial Adaptor with the SummaSketch II

Yes, also see the matrix at this url:https://www.interworldna.com/calcomp/pdfs/calcomp_drivers.pdf for driver and USB compatibiliity

Are parts still available for the Summagrid IV?

The only parts still available for the Summagrid IV is the cordless 16 Button cursor, there are no more Power Supplies or I/O Cables available anywhere as far as we can ascertain. We do have a schematic wiring diagram available for the I/O Cable, email us to obtain this.

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How do I interface the 9500 with a WinTab Driver

Information on setting up a Calcomp 9500 digitizer.

Prepare CalComp 9500 Series Tablet for Use in Windows 3.x/95/98/NT

Note: The 9500 series digitizers must have a firmware revision of "N" or greater to work with this driver set. If the tablet does not operate
properly after following these instructions, the firmware may be an older version.

To verify the current firmware:

Warning: Unplug the digitizer before accessing the tablet's electronics.

The flipdown electronics tray is mounted on the back of the digitizer. To expose the electronics board, remove one screw from each side of the tray. As you unfasten the screws, support the tray with one hand.
The firmware chip is located on the processor board at position 'U26'. Look for a sticker on the top of the firmware chip. It needs to be "Rev. N" or greater. Firmware chips are no longer available for the 9500 tablets. Contact our Sales Department at 1-877-902-2979, ext. 109 for information on the latest CalComp tablets.

A. Set soft switches to AutoCAD settings using the 9500 Digitizer Series User's Guide

1. Aligning the tablet menu.

a. The 9500 menu must be properly aligned on the tablet in order to change the soft switch settings. A plastic menu was originally provided with the 9500. A paper duplicate of this menu was also included in the back of the 9500 User's Guide.

b. The tablet menu is a square grid with vertical and horizontal menu strips that form an "L"-shape to the left and bottom of the
grid. The original plastic menu had a thin cut that separated the "L"-shaped menu "strips" from the grid. This thin cut needs to be aligned to the lower-left edges of the ACTIVE area of the tablet.

c. The 9500 tablet surface consists of a thick border that meets a recessed surface area. This recessed area contains a smaller area called the active area. The power light and cursor LED will only glow steady in this area.

d. Two alignment points must be marked on each of the vertical and horizontal edges of the ACTIVE area. To mark the vertical axis,
place the cursor at the lower-left corner of the tablet where the tablet border meets the recessed surface. The cursor LED should be
blinking at this point. Slide the cursor 3" up. Slowly begin moving the cursor to the right until the LED glows steady. This is the edge
of the active area. Mark the exact point that the LED changed to steady.

e. Move the cursor up another 3", (to about 6" vertical), and repeat the process to find edge of the active area. These two points will be used to align the menu vertically.

f. Repeat these steps along the horizontal axis. There should now be four points that form an "L"-shape.

g. Align the "L"-shaped cut in the 9500 menu to these four points. Tape the menu down and verify the accuracy of the menu alignment by placing the crosshairs on the "SETUP" box located in the lower-left corner of the menu. Within the borders of this box, the cursor LED should be OFF. Click on the box by pressing the "0" button and the LED should glow steady. Click it again to turn SETUP off. If the LED does not indicate correctly, check your alignment points again starting with step "d".

2. Following are the internal switch settings required to enable this digitizer to operate properly.


010000 011 10111


001 1100 01010


001 1100 01010

(O = Switch/LED is OFF 1 = Switch/LED is ON)

3. Setting the soft switches.

a. Select the SETUP box by placing the crosshairs on the box and clicking the "0" button. The LED should glow. The menu is now active.

b. As the cross hairs are placed on each block in Area's 1,2, and 3, the LED will either glow steady indicating that the block is ON, or
turn off, indicating that block is OFF. If the LED flashes, the cursor is off the menu area. Clicking the "0" button will toggle the state of each block. Ensure that the settings match those listed above.

c. After all the switches are set correctly. click on the "SAVE 1" block in AREA 5 of the vertical menu strip. This step will save these settings as DEFAULT.

d. Click on SETUP to exit.

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USA Office

Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837,
PO Box 1364
Point Roberts, WA 98281

Western Canada - Vancouver BC

Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150
Address: 2454 Haywood Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1

Eastern Canada - Markham, Ontario

Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027